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public transit
with on-demand

Pantonium’s on-demand, macrotransit solution, views one city as one zone. Cities of all sizes employ full-sized buses to service large urban, suburban and rural service areas to transform the rider experience by eliminating transfers, improving ride times, and making public transit more equitable and convenient for everyone.

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A 3D map that shows arcs to/from different points on the map

A solution for your city

Macrotransit™ optimizes transit
resources to meet rider
demand in real-time

Pantonium’s Macrotransit™ solution has two fundamental differences from other on-demand solutions:

    1. It views cities, suburban, and rural areas as one large service area, rather than dividing them into many small service areas (microtransit) or routes (fixed-route systems); and
    2. It looks globally and in real-time at the entire service area to identify all transit resources and all passenger demand. Pantonium then optimally matches resources to demand to deliver the highest quality transit services to customers.

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On-Demand Transit

Transit that’s yours

Pantonium helps cities to
do more with less

Pantonium’s Macrotransit™ digital infrastructure helps cities to do more with less at a time when transit agencies need to, more than ever, drive efficiencies into their operations while continuously improving the productivity, convenient access, and quality of their services to attract their citizens back to public transit.

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On-Demand Transit
A group of people riding a bus, some standing and some seated.
A woman is standing on a bus, using her mobile phone

Our difference

The world’s most powerful
routing algorithm

Pantonium’s Macrotransit™ employs a proprietary algorithm to optimize all transit agency resources (vehicles, drivers, fuel, stops etc.) dynamically and in real-time to meet changing passenger demand that delivers the best customer experience by reducing passenger ride and wait times and eliminating transfers.

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Our Difference

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Together, we’ll move transit forward.

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Pantonium launches largest
on-demand transit pilot in Sioux falls

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Learn more about Pantonium