Macrotransit™ - a Difference Maker
The Macrotransit™ intelligent global optimization engine and services help get your entire fleets' worth of passengers where they want to go.
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Which possible solution is the best one? What if you had more than just one vehicle? This is the vehicle routing problem, and Pantonium was built to solve it.

Cancellations? Delays? New trips? Our already incredibly large number of solutions is constantly changing by the minute, and Pantonium is no different. We continuously, and autonomously, optimize the entire fleets' routes on the fly.
We build
better solutions
The Macrotransit™ engine can optimize an entire fleets' dispatching needs simultaneously.
We build
more relevant solutions
The best solution now is not the best solution ten minutes from now. The Macrotransit™ engine continuously optimizes to ensure optimal efficiency, all the time.
We build
flexible solutions
Pantonium offers its Macrotransit™ consulting services helping all transportation providers deploy Macrotransit™ to meet their unique constraints and needs.